Solving tech problems

When Microsoft make descriptive error message…


We came to this error when rendering one ASP.NET MVC page: Only Content controls are allowed directly in a content page that contains Content controls. Very strange formulation butit means that you have some error in your View (maybe missing </asp:Content> or without its opening tag)

Best new web technologies


Creating modern website od SaaS service requires you to be familiar with a lot of new technologies such as: HTML 5 WebGL and 3D effects – look at these super nice examples jQuery (best popular JS library for easy front-end programming) CSS 3 (and it’s extensions: Sass or LESS) Responsive design frameworks (“One site to rule them all”): Foundation, Gumby, Bootstrap, Unsemantic, Skeleton Non-relation datastores or NoSQL such as MongoDB AJAX Delegated authentication & authorization, using OAuth, used by popular services such as Facebook, Twitter, Google & LinkedIn REST-ful paradigms…read more