Solving tech problems

ASP.NET Core 3.1 Identity tables in MySQL


To have identity tables in MySQL install Pomelo package, set the connection string and DBContext in Startup.cs like this: services.AddDbContext(options => options.UseMySql(Configuration.GetConnectionString(“MySqlConnection”)); Open NuGet > Package Manager ConsoleRun: EntityFrameworkCore\Update-Database -VerboseRun: update-database

Entity Framework in .NET and MySQL tinymce(1) problem


You know at tinymce(1) field in MySQL database will be converted to boolean type in C#. Sometimes you don’t want this because you just want to read the integer value from MySQL in this field (it can be any from 0-255 if unsigned or -127-127 if signed) – one byte. In order to do so you need to do two things: Add TreatTinyAsBoolean=false to your connection string Edit the database edmx file and in SSDL content section change bool to tinyint, and in CSDL content section change Boolean into SByte….read more