Solving tech problems

Trello is a great tool

Products and Services, Thoughts is nicely done, efficient and very clear task management tool. You can use it for managing your weekly plans/tasks and you can create multiple boards and then moving task from the left to the right. For example, you can have three simple boards: What need to be done What is done and in testing phase What is finished, tested and published It is even efficient to follow Scrum methodology in a simple way – nice for small teams and their collaboration. We really like it and use it on…read more

Statistics about successful and brilliant people


If we look at any country or certain population we will see that there is always about 4% of extraordinary and brilliant people (experts in their field). This can be a big problem for smaller countries/populations. When we have a large pool of people (i.e. bigger country), or if there is a lot of people concentrated on a small place (like New York) then you have more probability to meet one of these. Usually, there will be also larger companies there, that are managed by one of these extraordinary people…read more